calligraphy & woodcuts
After a partial cleaning of the studio, I came across several sheets of hand made paper purchased from New York Art Supply before their paper arm went out of business. I decided to begin a small project where I would print lightly on the sheets with woodcuts of simple geometric shapes in water soluble ink.
After that I would layer on letter forms in different ink, different sizes, and different orientations. The biggest hurdle I’ve always had is finding text for my pieces. I really am not one of those calligraphers that simply letters out the alphabet in whatever letter form of choice. I try and find text that fits with the image that I have put on paper, whether it is watercolor, acrylic, or prints. I have to spend time just looking at the paper with the image and trying to see the just how much text is involved, where it can go, and what font would go with the design as well as any other fonts (and messages). Below are some of the pieces.
What I can say is that with every half dozen of these pieces that came out presentable, there are 1 or 2 pieces that need to be shut away in the storage drawer until such time that I can get the balls to throw them out or add something to make them more presentable or more throw awayable.