Scott Wettlaufer
April 23, 1954 - February 07, 2021
This website is the collection of works from master calligrapher and artist Scott Wettlaufer in memoriam. Scott passed away on February 7, 2021. He blended watercolor and printmaking in combination with the written word to form art works and artist books that reflected the world around us as well as personal experiences.
“We use letters to (fairly) preceisely communicate our thoughts to other humans. Alphabets are made to form up our feelings, descriptions, wants, questions in words. The more important the concept, the more precise the word (at least that is the way it is supposed to work). A string of letters is used to form words and string of words are use to form concepts or ideas. In themselves these strings of words present to the viewer a solid visual from which the viewer can extract an exact meaning.
Images are not so precise. Images are subject to interpretation in a way that letters are not. Some images can have a very precise meaning, where other images have no precise meaning at all and must be sharpened or brought to focus in mind of the viewer.
Can letters and/or words create this less than precise meaning OR can letters be forced into images that give the viewer a chance to interpret the images as they see fit. Images can certainly be confusing, but can letters be formed into images that create a completely different meaning from the one created by a logical string of letters to form words and concepts?
A random string of letters that make no actual words would be one way of creating a less than precise meaning. A string of words that do no create a conceptual idea would be another way of creating a less than precise meaning.”